Terry’s Photoshop Show #5 – More Non-Destructive Editing Methods

In this week’s show, we are going to discuss many more techniques for non-destructive editing, with a quick review of using layers and masks, but then diving into using the Image duplicate techniques, more mode-combining tricks, painting into layers with the brush, layer blending tricks and an awesome sharpening approach – all without ever damaging the original.

This is the fifth of a weekly series of Photoshop tutorials that will each focus upon a specific technique.

Upcoming shows will cover the following topics:

*Text on a Path*
*Fonts Taken Into Imagery – Rasterization*
*Combining Mutiple Exposures for HDR effects (High Dynamic Range)*
*Using Camera Raw to create Multiple Exposures for HDR Effects*
*Using the Pen Tool for Selections*
*Repairing and Retouching Photos – Overview*
*Repairing and Retouching Photos – Rebuilding Lost Image Data with What You Have*

Past Shows:
Luminosity Masks

Non-Destructive Editing, Masks and Selections

LAB Mode Curves Tricks

LAB A/B Channel Tricks

If you would like to be on the panel and share any related tricks or insights you have, please contact me before each program. I have room for up to 9 guests on each show.

#photoshoptutorials #photoshop #LAB #color

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