3 Things ExpressionEngine can do that WordPress simply cannot
I’m a programmer who uses the ExpressionEngine CMS to run some pretty data-intensive websites. Data intensive! WordPress is a great platform, don’t get me wrong. (This page and most of my other personal pages are all WordPress sites.) But if you’ve got data, you want something like ExpressionEngine. Here’s why. If/Then statements. Anywhere on any…
Moodle Server Setup (also Joomla via Joomdle) on Amazon EC2 and GoDaddy
Amazon EC2 MoodleServer The first part of this is largely a composite of two wiki articles at the Moodle.org Wiki started separately by Jamie Pratt and Brian Lockwood that taken together finally explained everything I had to do in order to get Moodle working on an Amazon EC2 server: http://docs.moodle.org/24/en/Installation_Guide_for_Installing_on_Amazon_EC2 http://docs.moodle.org/24/en/Amazon_EC2_Cloud_Services_Installation Rent an…
Positioning Content Precisely using CSS
In the Headway grid layout system, blocks align at their top margins to sit together in a row – taking advantage of the CSS section-based layout system. This is a very good thing. However, it means that if two items are in close proximity in the grid, but one under another, the lower block item…
25 Cool Blogger and Web Developer’s Tricks and Tools in Firefox and Chrome
1 } Press and hold the back or forward buttons in the browser to see a list of pages you’ve been on, then select from that list to jump to a page rather than hitting the back or forward button repeatedly. 2 } F5 reloads/refreshes the page. Much easier than groping for where they’ve moved…