
Do you find MUSIC to be fascinating? Inspiring? Relaxing? Enthralling? Exciting?

I certainly do, and I have for most of my life, starting at the age of 15 when a blower-powered Magnus Chord Organ came into our house that Christmas.

Though I had played the flute in Elementary School and 7th grade, I was never permitted (let alone encouraged) to play by ear, improvise or compose my own music. All the fun had been wrung out of “playing” music by teachers who THOUGHT they were preparing me for a job someday down the road. So, up till the age of 15, music was defined as “WORK”, not play.

I was lucky to have my interest in music resurrected by that keyboard, and I learned to PLAY music, much to my continual delight!

This is the general blog of Terry Leigh Britton. I’m 72 years old. I am from Ridgefield, CT, but have lived in Cambridge and Boston, MA, NYC and Saugerties, NY, Jersey City, NJ, and have spent the last 30 years in North Carolina, living in Durham, Winston-Salem, and for the last ten in Elizabeth City, NC. I recently moved back to Saugerties, NY to live in the Catskill Mountains at my friend Nathan Koenig’s “Woodstock Museum” where I help out with a myriad variety of things, from grant writing to maintenance! 🙂

In this blog, I will cover many areas of interest to me. Besides having been a musician for 55 years, I am also a retired Graphic Arts and Imaging Technology college professor and – more recently – a web programmer, so you’ll see some things here related to those sorts of pursuits. However, my current focus is on helping people of all ages become musicians AND composers themselves, and enjoy the immense satisfaction and pleasure from learning to PLAY music as I did!

In 2017-2018 I spent most of my time in a daily performance music project, performing live every day on a YouTube stream before a live audience following a daily theme., and the recordings have been watched and listened to afterward by several more folks. After a full year, I ended up with 5 shy of 2400 individual pieces in my repertoire (5 per day times six days a week and 13 on Thursdays, times approx. 56 weeks). I hope to teach as many people as possible to live-stream their own performances and improvisations – because it is really true that playing for others will hone your skills and make you a better musician (and person!) faster than any other avenue!

I have many, many interests, and find the entire world of knowledge and experiences a continually fascinating place. If you are a geek, you will understand me perfectly! My “Personal Ad” on a dating site would read: “Somewhat Antiquey Freaky Geeky Boy Seeks Freaky Geeky Girl. Have a weakness for meekness, but a smart and sleek geek girl would work just fine. Let’s get together for a peak geek experience!” I also say some very corny things that give me away as something of a nerd as well.

Enjoy the blog.

6 responses to “About”

  1. Hi Terry,

    First of all, thank you for replying to my Camstudio bug/question. It’s appreciated.

    I was just checking out your sight. I love how it’s put together! I’m going to check out some of your tutorials. My work is geared towards textile design however I’m geared towards everything Photoshop. FYI: I think somewhere that you mentioned you are working in version CS. I found that CS5 is actually a version worth upgrading to. 1. It’s very stable. 2. For people like you the HDR effects can be very exciting. 3. The content fill is also worth having it for too.
    Have a wonderfull week.
    PS. I’m mainly using Camstudio for my tutorials at CraftEdu.com

    • Frederick,

      I updated your tutorial address to make it “clickable” and direct it to what I believe must be your page at CraftEdu.com. I hope I got the right person!


  2. This will sound odd, but I noticed you in the Caudatowan yearbook that featured my brother Griff on the cover. (1971 Ridgefield.) I recognized you from playing the flute on the bus, and I remember a “Battle of the Bands” that your band won (against my brother’s band, by the way). It’s cool that music has been your life.

    • Yes, it still is in my life in a big way! 🙂
      I’m gearing up to do another series of live improvisation performances, starting in the next few days.
      The recordings and livestreams will appear on my performance channel at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/livemusicalperformances
      There are already almost 3000 individual pieces up there, so do not even ATTEMPT to watch them all! 😉
      Good to hear from you! – Terry

  3. You were amazingly talented when I knew you at Atna Craig nursing home when we were in high school and you are still so talented… I am not surprised. I am now living in South Carolina…. Janet Smith ( Andrews)

  4. Janet, it is so wonderful to hear from you! I’ve just moved out of North Carolina after 30+ years to NY State in the Catskills, near Kingston. I’m helping out and living at the Woodstock Museum with my longtime friend Nathan Koenig and his wife. Nathan and I ran a video studio for two years in the eighties in the very building where the museum exists today. Still making music, helping folks with their websites, and am a veteran mentor with SCORE for more than a decade now, mentoring folks who are starting up or improving their small businesses. In other words, still loving being creative and helpful as much as I can! 🙂
    I hope you are enjoying life in South Carolina – it is gorgeous, and I have many friends there just south of Charlotte, NC.

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