
Sneak Peek – L*A*B Color Mode Image Improvement Techniques

I’m busy working on a series of articles and videos I’ll release here soon on using the LAB mode for improving images (or L*A*B mode as some prefer to write it, myself included!)

A friend, Fred Vaughan, has agreed to allow me to use his beautiful photographs taken in Colorado and elsewhere in the western U.S. as my subjects.

Below is a sample done using just some fairly simple curves – all work being performed in the L*A*B color space!

By increasing color contrast (not merely by increasing saturation), we can bring out the natural coloration that the light presented to our eyes, and restore that which is lost by the static interpretation of the camera lens.

Before (Click image for full-screen versions – you can load both into separate tabs to A/B compare them):

Before LAB Curves - Original

And after having the curves shown beneath the image applied (Click image for full-screen version):

Note how the vibrancy of the full daylight is restored from the above version where the camera had “flattened out” the color’s dynamic range.

Watch this space for some nice full tutorials soon! But in the meantime, please try some L*A*B mode moves on your own!

After LAB Curves

Lightness Channel – I added some brightness to the lower-mids to open up the dark trees in the middle background, adjusting the top to allow the light to appear to “shine through” the leaves
"A" Channel
“A” channel – the lower part is made “steeper” to bring out the darker greens in the mountainside
“B” channel – the odd “hook” in the lower section removes some blue haze obscuring the mountain’s features

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