“I don’t want to learn Photoshop!” optikVerve’s free offerings

OK, I live to show people how to get the most out of Photoshop.

I taught at the college level three semesters deep on Photoshop alone!
However, I realize not everyone is into the same journey as I am, and would
simply like to get some results from their own photographs they’ve taken with their digital camera!

There are plenty of Photoshop actions out there…

(do a Google search for “Free Photoshop Actions Download”),

as well as Photoshop Filters…

(do another Google Search for “Free Photoshop Filters Download”),

but maybe you don’t even own a copy of Photoshop. After all, it is rather
expensive! I still use Photoshop CS for everything at home and to make my
free actions and tutorials, though admittedly, at work we have CS4 installed.

There is a solution, and it is from the
remarkable optikVerve Labs, home of the FREE

VirtualPhotographer Filter plugin

for Photoshop CS4 and EARLIER.

(or Photoshop Elements, or Corel PhotoPaint, or IrfanView,
or PaintShop Pro, or any other program that can use Photoshop .8bf plugins).

But more importantly for those not owning Photoshop,
they are also the creators of the ALSO FREE software called


which includes not only the VirtualPhotographer plugin, but additionally
works with any and all plugins that you can find using a Google search for free plugins.
It can be installed on Windows 7, Vista 32-bit, Windows XP, 2000, ME or ’98 operating systems!!! WOW!!!

Look, folks, I love teaching Photoshop.

I generally target my tutorials towards people who are passionate about doing it themselves.

But still, I want to help everyone and anyone into making DY-NO-MITE pictures!
I want to encourage creativity, not put artificial limits on what you have access to here.
I’ll be posting plenty of other free things in the future as
I discover them (or as you folks bring them to my attention!) 🙂

Enjoy! That is the bottom line!

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