HutchColor offers great desktop background for Photoshop
I’ve used this desktop background for years! Over at http://www.hutchcolor.com/Images_and_targets.html, they’ve given public access to download many of their print-specific and monitor calibration-specific targets, images and tools. One that is a standout is their desktop background, called “CMS 30 128.JPG” (36 K – RGB) (I cannot simply provide a link to the image download due…
CamStudio Settings to Keep Audio and Video in Sync
I just created this video after a bit of trial and error (and research!) that demonstrates how to set up: CamStudio 2.6 Beta (official download link) so that the audio and video stay in synchronization throughout the length of the video. (Or download the Most Stable Camstudio 2.0 release) Getting CamStudio to synchronize the video…