Terry Leigh Britton
This is the general blog of Terry Leigh Britton. I’m 57 years old, from Ridgefield, CT, but have lived in Cambridge and Boston, MA, NYC and Saugerties, NY, Jersey City, NJ, and most recently, Elizabeth City, Winston-Salem, and (currently) Durham, NC. On this blog I will cover many areas of intense interest to me, with an occasional link to a product that I support wholeheartedly. (I might even get a small return for having let you know about it! At no extra cost to you, of course.) I find the Internet Marketing world very interesting, but I am not positioned to be seen as an expert in that area in my writing about it by any means — yet! But meanwhile, I AM an expert in headphones, Photoshop, electronic music, sex education (of all things!), computers, and survival during and recovery from a serious, life debilitating illness (in my case, hepatits-C). So, I’ll be blogging about those things! I also wax philosophical often, and love to write to encourage and inspire, as well as to kindle the sense of wonder in people. Story telling is the medium that I’m most familiar with, though I may try some other avenues as…
Music Creating Tech
My Ancient Synth Web Page
Image Manipulation
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