Controller Freaking
The Controller-signals that the Wavestation can send and receive fall into three categories: common, unusual, and non-existent.
The common Controllers are:
Controller #0 for Bank Change (in conjunction with Controller #32),
Controller #1 for Mod Wheel,
Controller #7 for Volume (which can be generated by a foot pedal if that
pedal is assigned to volume on the FOOT page in Globals),
Controller #64 for the Sustain Pedal,
and... well, that's it! <:-\
The unusual include:
Controller #4 FOOTPEDAL (the footpedal outputs Controller #4 signals to
a sequencer and modulation via the PEDAL choice in any modulation SRC selection
box when set to MOD PEDAL on the FOOT page in GLOBAL),
Controllers #16 & #17 for the Joystick's output along the X and Y axis'
respectively (SRC candidates JOY-X and JOY-Y),
and... well, that's it! <:-/
And the non-existent are covered by all the rest...
EXCEPT that you can re-assign external MIDI controller signals to what the modulation SRC boxes call MIDI-1 and MIDI-2, which are assigned to some controller's input on the MIDI page. There, all the legitimate Controller numbers are shown (and their usual applications, ie., #2 Breath Controller, and such), any one of which can be assigned to MIDI-1 and/or MIDI-2 to be used to modulate (that is, change) any parameters having modulation SRC routing.
Oddly, Controller #10 does nothing for PAN in the Wavestation, and Controllers #5 & #12 do nothing for the Portamento Rate or Effects Depth, respectively. I always felt these were strange oversights, but considering the incredible power of the SYSEX implementation in the Wavestation, Controllers seem quite limited in comparison (AND they have the added feature/fault that they will control any synth on the same MIDI channel indiscrimininently, whereas SYSEX can be sent on the same channel that other synths share with the Wavestation, but only the Wavestation (if it is the only one on that channel, of course) will be affected.`
So, to recap, the modulation SRC sources which can be both recorded from the Wavestation to your sequencer AND played back as Controller signals are
Controllers #0/#32 for Bank Switching,
Controller #1 for the Mod Wheel,
Controller #4 for the footpedal, (output to the sequencer when set via the FOOT page to MOD PEDAL),
Controller #7 for the Master Volume Control (an alternate thing that a footpedal can be told to output via the FOOT page),
Controllers #16 and #17 for the Joysticks, and of course,
Controller #64 for the Sustain Pedal.
Remember, though, you can use the unused midi-controller numbers to control your Wavestation from an external controller device using assignments to the MIDI-1 and MIDI-2 mod-sources via the MIDI page.
The only "trick" I really have to offer here is to point out that with Controllers #16 and #17, the JOY-X and JOY-Y controllers, you can record *live* incredibly wild-ass manipulations of your joystick for some really FREAKING vector synthesis effects!! :)
AND the same joystick maneuvers can be changing other modulation SRC parameters elsewhere at the same time!! That's freaking!! :)